Monday, June 21, 2010


I feel this week has been a big learning experience. I've started to realize and actually encounter the obstacles The Village Experience faces being a fair trade store-meaning how difficult it is to actually develop the products. Working in underdeveloped countries the access to various resources, materials and basic communication is extremely more difficult than in the developed world. Trying to develop new products in Kenya or in Thailand with local artisans is more complex than I ever thought. For the artisans to create the products we have in mind, we basically have to teach them ourselves. However, this is can't always happen as we are stationed in Indianapolis.

So this week, Molly and myself, have been in the process of developing prototypes for Kelly to take with her when she travels in Kenya in two weeks. Molly and I have been researching trends and products we feel could do well in our store and for the new wholesale line. Even though we feel a trend may become popular, we can not always produce it. As mentioned before, the artisans in Kenya have limited resources, limited materials and limited skill levels.

With that said, Molly and I came up with some simple designs that Kelly could teach the artisans. We designed a Chan Luu inspired wrap bracelet, a fabric necklace, a fabric bracelet, an eternity scarf, and a wooden bib necklace (inspired by Martha Stewert lol--even though I'll give credit to Sarah for showing me:)) Since these are solely prototypes the design and materials will have to actually be sourced when Kelly gets to Kenya. The designs will be altered and so will the materials. We just got our materials at Jo Ann's and well…you know they don't have a Jo Ann's in the remote areas of Kenya. Kelly will talk to the artisans to see what materials they have and then travel to the fabric factory to see their inventory. Above our pictures of Molly and I creating the products.

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