Monday, May 17, 2010

What is this blog about???

Hi Everyone,

Welcome to my "Indy Girl" blog! I hope you will all enjoy this as much as I am going to. It will be a great way for me to keep in touch with everyone and to help document my entire internship experience. For ones that are unsure of what this blog is all about, I will catch you up. In order to finish my Masters degree, I had to find a graduate-level internship where I would develop a project and work a minimum of 600 hours. If your asking yourself what is a graduate-level internship, I honestly can not give you a concrete answer. I guess we will both find out throughout this experience. Anyway, I was fortunate enough to land an intern position with The Village Experience located in Indianapolis, Indiana ( The Village Experience (TVE) is a socially pro-active business dedicated to uplifting impoverished communities in the developing world through efforts in international trade and tourism. The concept of TVE features two components:

(1) International Tourism - trips to the developing world focusing on cultural education, humanitarianism, and adventure. They are designed to give the traveler a "real, off-the-beaten path, village" experience.

(2) International Trade - work with charities, micro-financing groups, women's projects, local artisans, and global cooperatives to develop fair trade products and create a market for them in the developed world.

On their website is a promo video that you should check out---It gives a great overview of the company!

My main responsibility at TVE is to develop a wholesale product line. This will be the focal point of this blog, as well as, my project for my Masters. I will post the "project plan" I developed once I begin working on it. Other than working on the product line, I will be physically working at the store, merchandising the products, interacting with consumers, attending promotion events, creating advertisements and fund raising. I will be quite busy with all my responsibilities, but I can hardly wait to get started!

I hope this is an adequate introduction to what I will be blogging about all summer. This is as new to me as probably many of you. I plan on posting lots of pictures and videos of my experience and other fun things while I am in Indy. Thanks for following and if you have any questions or comments please feel free to. This is my first blog and I would appreciate any feedback!

See you tomorrow when I will blog about my first day! xxoo

1 comment:

  1. I am so GD proud of you it makes my heart just swell!
